

“Part-Time Flight Attendant, Full-Time Wanderer” from Santiago Trugeda Films on Vimeo.

Hey Guys! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hopefully I can share some laughs and worthy travel info or inspo with you! Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate or tell some jokes…..Im up for anything! If you don’t already know me, my name is Emma Terrell, I’m a 90’s baby born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario.

My passion for travelling the world, seeing new places, meeting new people, experiencing and living LIFE outside of my comfort zone is the essence of what makes me who I am…

My experiences throughout the majority of my adult life are what have inspired me to write and express myself in words as best I can. I find it to be a therapeutic release sharing my ideas, thoughts and stories with anyone interested in listening.

Thanks for visiting my page, I hope it inspires you to get out there, outside of your house, city, country…outside of yourself. To discover a deeper truer you.

” In order to write about your life first you must live it” – Ernest Hemmingway